23 November 2023
COP28. Doesn’t the 28 say it all? So far 27 COPs have failed and there is little indication so far that 28 (starting this week), will be the magic number which finally forces fossil fuel companies, electric power companies, motor vehicle manufacturers and other emitters of significant quantities of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to stop their destructive behaviour.
Thomas Edison is said to have invented the light bulb on his ten thousandth attempt. When asked about his earlier failures, his response was that he didn’t
Photo by Richard Miller
fail. He just found 9,999 ways it didn’t work.
Getting together and pledging to keep global temperatures from rising above a specified target hasn’t worked 27 times. Maybe it’s time to try something else. Something more direct. Something easier. How about just telling the big emitters they must stop?
The time for them to fully convert to renewables is here. See, https://www.codeforcorporatecitizenship.com/post/the-shoalhaven-declaration.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.